Phrases overlap much more significantly for the Troubadour, which means you can set up some pretty nasty support combos, like Old Siec (lifesteal) and Mercy & Kindness (increased healing). Troubadour is, in my opinion, the best Chanter subclass in Pillars of Eternity 2, because it doubles down on the Chanter’s biggest niche, which is passive team support through phrases. Troubadour – Pillars of Eternity 2 Chanter Subclasses On the whole, though, Skald probably does deal more damage than a normal Chanter. Chanter will mostly be useful for phrases and summons, so it’s really a matter of flavor if you want them casting to deal damage or using weapons. This is alright, but keep in mind Chanter’s damaging spells are nowhere near as effective as Wizard of Druid spells. Offensive invocations cost 1 less phrase and you have a 50% chance to gain a phrase with weapon critical hits, so the point of Skald is that you can be constantly unloading damaging spells. Skald basically becomes a sort of battlemage. Skald, on the other hand, is the class you pick to utilize the Chanter’s damage spells as much as possible. Skald – Pillars of Eternity 2 Chanter Subclasses If you like the idea of using the Chanter’s summon spells a lot, Beckoner is a good option, though I question whether it’s better than Bellower.

The summons have less health and duration and cost more phrases as a tradeoff. All your summon spells bring forth double the amount of creatures. Beckoner – Pillars of Eternity 2 Chanter Subclassesīeckoner is the way to go if you really want to rely on summons.

For that reason, there’s a place for a pure chanter, but for the most part, a pure chanter is a suboptimal choice since the benefits for the subclasses generally outweigh the cons. Most of the chanter subclasses focus on one of the core aspects of the class (summoning, support, damaging spells, etc) at the expense of the other aspects. Pillars of Eternity 2 Chanter Subclass Options Pure Chanter